Taylor Phinney Had a Training Day


Taylor Phinney Had a Training Day

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… and we did our best to keep up.

Like many professional cyclists, Taylor Phinney heads to warmer climates in the off-season to train. It just so happens that his locale of choice is Los Angeles. Last year, he rode from LA to Joshua Tree “just cuz” and this year, he’s staying in the neighborhood, exploring the climbs throughout Los Angeles County. Yesterday, Kyle from GSC texted me a cryptic message “Cross Town Ride 11am – meet at Intelli.” Around 10 minutes prior to the meet-up, he included an additional note “I’m running late, but Taylor will be there at 11.” Meaning, Taylor Phinney.

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Now as much as I’m stoked to ride with a guy like Taylor, this means I’m in for a painful afternoon. Luckily, Taylor’s friend Greg was there to share in the suffering. You see, I’m of the belief that Kyle “secret trains” all year to be in tip top shape for when Taylor is in town. My only evidence being that somehow Kyle was keeping up with him, while Greg and I were huffing and puffing just out of site.

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We took off through Hollyweed, up through the hills and into some of the best singletrack in the city before rolling back through Melrose and back into Silver Lake. Everyone had a blast, I almost bonked, Greg wrecked, Kyle wrecked and Taylor did it all with a grin.

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Oftentimes, the New Year brings in new fitness goals for athletes and having spent a lot of time off-the-bike in December, this ride put the fire back under my ass. Meaning, into my hamstrings. Thanks to Taylor, Greg and Kyle for the ride, the laughs and the sore legs this morning. I needed that.

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