

A Ride Reborn


A Ride Reborn

“This is a short film based on the photography and writings of Rob Lutter.

His project, The LifeCycle, is a global cycling tour from London to London and has so far taken him 2 years and 15,000km to Hong Kong – his half way point.

Struggling with OCD and failing to find creativity at home, Rob left his home in England in 2011 alone by bicycle to find new life and meaning out on the open road.”

Nice find Tracko!

PedalHard NoCoast


PedalHard NoCoast

A group of friends rode their track bikes from Portland to San Francisco in 2012. Over 800 miles in 7 days. Having done that ride before, I can say that this is impressive. Check out more information at the Vimeo page!

Paved: Finding the Stoke — Part 1


Paved: Finding the Stoke — Part 1

Last summer, Taj, Sandy Carson, two other friends, Seth and Nick took on Portland to San Francisco. Paved Magazine ran an article a while back but they’ve began posting the stories on their blog. It’s worth the read, coming from someone who’s also done the ride. Check it out here!

NYC to MTL Trailer


NYC to MTL Trailer

Summer is here and that means road trips! Some just choose to ride their bikes:

“4 Days. Over 400 Miles.

11 people. Bike crews from NYC and Montréal. NYC: Chalet Magazine. MTL: The Starley Rover Society x Vélo iBike. Cyclists from Québec, France, England, Australia, Saskatchewan. Road bikes and Fixed Gear bikes, no brakes.

Start: La Colombe (SoHo, NYC).
Finish: Taverne Chez Normand (Plateau Mont-Royal, Montréal)”

I can’t wait to see more. That’s some beautiful countryside they rode through. The full-length premiered at the Jakalope Fest.

Introducing Leave it On the Road


Introducing Leave it On the Road

With all the benefit rides that happen year after year, what’s stopping people from doing their own? Save yourself from the swarm of people you don’t know, call a friend, plan a ride and hit up some sponsors. That’s exactly what Michael Tabtabai and Andrew Hudon did.

Leave It On The Road ride starts Monday, June 17 and goes 3465 miles in 24 days from Oregon to Massachusetts.  Along the way and through fundraising, Michael and Andrew are hoping to raise $52k for the Colon Cancer Alliance. All the background info can be found at Leave it on the Road.

Follow them on Instagram too!

Check out a full sponsor list and a parts break down below, as well as more photos in the Gallery!

Mission Workshop: The Ends – Video Trailer


Mission Workshop: The Ends – Video Trailer

Here’s a video trailer promoting a series of webisodes that Mission Workshop is working on with the Werehaus, showcasing our bike tour in China:

“Setting out from Shanghai, John Watson and Mission Workshop began their cycling tour of China’s Yangtze River Delta. Using both film and digital formats, Watson photographed the surroundings and encounters with the local community. Led by their friends from Factory Five, they headed into a frenetic network of massive residential complexes, large industrial parks, and super highways. At first glance, the route seemed straightforward, however, the reality of the 1,000km trip was far more intense than anyone expected.”

Keep on top of The Ends at Mission Workshop and please come to the opening party, let’s hang out!

Blackburn Asks What’s Out There?


Blackburn Asks What’s Out There?

UGHHHHHHHHHHH…. I want to get out there again. It’s been too long! Most importantly, I’m stoked for friends of mine who actually are getting out there this summer. I know Ty’s getting stoked on the Great Divide. Check out the latest campaign from Blackburn.

“What’s Out There?

Designed with Blackburn’s founding principle in mind – the spirit of adventure – the Out There program tells the story of two iconic cycling routes, the people who ride them and the uncommon adventures they have along the way. These routes, the Pacific Coast Highway and the Great Divide, serve as the blank pages that the Blackburn ambassadors, nicknamed “Rangers”, will craft their stories of adventure upon.

Watch the video for a glimpse into the people, the places and the uncommon adventures that make up the Out There program.
Visit blackburndesign.com/outthere in late July to hear the rest of the story.”

If There Was an HC for Stokedness


If There Was an HC for Stokedness

Well, we’re all back from Shifter Dan’s 40th Birthday Bush Bash. After two days, 180 miles and over 31′,000 of climbing, we’re all a little sore. That said, if there was an HC for stokedness, we’d all be there. More to come, but for now, here’s Dan finding his inner spirit animal while climbing into the birthplace of the Necronomicog.

Mission Workshop and PiNP Tour China’s Yangtze River Delta


Mission Workshop and PiNP Tour China’s Yangtze River Delta

See larger here

When this project was first proposed to me, all I thought was “this is too good to be true” and after what seems to be a maddening process of pulling everything together, we’re good to go! Here’s the official blurb from Mission Workshop:

“Follow John Watson of Prollyisnotprobably.com and the Mission Workshop crew as they ride through China’s Yangtze river delta on a photo exploration of bike culture with the help of the guys at Factory Five. Visit the Mission Workshop Blog as they travel through the world’s largest urban population in Shanghai and also explore the ancient architecture of the Chinese countryside.”

To start off the trip, I’ll be in Taiwan in time for the Taipei International Cycle Show before we fly out to Shanghai. This is one part of the world I’ve always wanted to see and I cannot wait to share my photos with you all.

Expect daily updates both here and on the Mission Workshop blog, as well as on Instagram @JohnProlly @MissionWorkshop.

Pelago Goes to Berlin


Pelago Goes to Berlin

Sorry for the lack of posts over the past few days, I’ve been in bed with a stomach bug. Needless to say, I don’t think I’ll be craving BBQ for a while.

ANYWAY, check out this video from Pelago!

“In the end of February 2013, we took our bikes, rode them into a boat and headed from Helsinki to Berlin to set up our temporary shop in Brunnenstrasse 156 and to participate in the Berliner Fahrrad Schau. The boat took us to Rostock and from there we cycled through Sietow and Neuruppin to reach Berlin.”

See more here.

Bunyan Velo: Issue 01


Bunyan Velo: Issue 01

Bunyan Velo Issue 01, an online publication dedicated to bike camping, touring, expeditions and general badassery is now online for free. I don’t have time to read it at the moment but the photos alone are worth the flip through.

Check it out above and you’ll want to go full-screen with this one.

Bikecentennial76: From Winter to Sunshine


Bikecentennial76: From Winter to Sunshine

Photos by Ron McClure

I came across these two exceptional photos on Flickr earlier this week and had to share. The top photo was taken at the Hoosier Pass in May 1976 and the bottom, the Blue Ridge Parkway in late July 1976 during the Bikecentennial76 Oregon to Virginia trip 12 friends embarked on. Only 9 completed and you can read more at DDsiple’s Flickr.

Now’s a good time to plan a tour!

The Great Escape: Reflective Patches


The Great Escape: Reflective Patches

Erik and Sofia have ended their North America tour but the Great Escape is far from over. In fact, right now, Erik is out in the Swiss Alps riding and already uploading some gorgeous photos. He’s got these new Great Escape patches keeping him safe as he blasts Darkthrone and takes photos.

Head over now to pick one up and while you’re there, stay for the photos.