Yes, just 20 km from their new digs in San Francisco, Erik and Sofia have found new stomping grounds for the Great Escape. Of course, you know, Erik’s got other things up his sleeve as well….

Yes, just 20 km from their new digs in San Francisco, Erik and Sofia have found new stomping grounds for the Great Escape. Of course, you know, Erik’s got other things up his sleeve as well….
Everything thing you’ve heard of Eurobike is true, including the horribly-spotty wifi. But don’t worry, I’m spending all my time shooting photos and catching up with friends, including Erik from Sweden. He and his wife, Sofia stayed with me two years ago in Austin and since then, he’s toured extensively throughout the USA, relocated to Zurich and is a lead designer at Specialized, where he spearheaded the AWOL project.
The AWOL is a light, sleek and very Euro-styled touring bike. While Erik’s main rig is on display at the Specialized booth, he stripped down one of the first prototypes and brought it along with him to ride around. After a few beers, we went out back and shot some photos of the bike. I’ve gotta admit, it’s one of my favorite touring rigs!
Check out more in the Gallery!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a touring video that has gotten me more pumped than this one. All I gotta say is the full-length is going to be so rad…
Have you been following the AWOL project?
See you tomorrow Erik!
Erik from The Great Escape has started a new blog for Specialized Europe, showcasing their new AWOL “adventure bike”, which is essentially a belt-drive, generator lamp, disc-tourer. Keep on top of the AWOL and Erik as he ventures into the Transcontinental Race.
I can’t wait to see more from this project!
If you’ve been following the Great Escape, you’ve watched E and S take on the Alps with their touring bikes, loaded down with camping equipment. I love following their rides and still check in on their Tumblr every day and it wasn’t until seeing this photo that I realized there hasn’t been a plug for a while.
Check out that bike… Most importantly, check out that seatpost. Whatever E is riding, it looks pretty boss.
What a great shrine to a truly meaningful experience on the road. Seriously, you two are welcome back anytime.
Erik and Sofia have ended their North America tour but the Great Escape is far from over. In fact, right now, Erik is out in the Swiss Alps riding and already uploading some gorgeous photos. He’s got these new Great Escape patches keeping him safe as he blasts Darkthrone and takes photos.
Head over now to pick one up and while you’re there, stay for the photos.