It’s been a blast, Tassie, but I’m ready to get back to Los Angeles. Thanks to everyone who made this trip such a memorable experience and don’t worry, we’ve got more photos on the way!

It’s been a blast, Tassie, but I’m ready to get back to Los Angeles. Thanks to everyone who made this trip such a memorable experience and don’t worry, we’ve got more photos on the way!
Insert metaphor for life here
Get out a ride, race or rip this weekend! Next Monday I’m taking off for Tasmania, so expect tons of Reportage from the road.
Time off is essential, especially when your job is your passion. For the past few days I’ve been in Death Valley camping, hiking and photographing the all-encompassing, always humbling, surreal landscape. There’s a story to tell, but for now I just wanted to say welcome to 2016, a new calendar year with new expectations. So thanks for sticking around and stoking the stoke.
Road tripping in Southern Utah
Words and photos by Ryan Wilson
Utah has always been on a list with Colorado, the Alps, Pyrenees, and few other places that I’ve wanted to go to, but knew I’d never have enough time to do and see everything I wanted to do there. It always made me hesitant to commit to a shorter trip. However, a few weeks ago I saw a small window of opportunity, and finally decided I’d rather see a fraction of it than none, so I took the 6 hour haul from Los Angeles to the southwestern corner of Utah to hit a few big climbs and national parks. The plan was to try to squeeze a couple rides and hikes in through Zion, Bryce, and some of the surrounding mountains in 4 days.
As cyclists, we look at roads, paths and tracks a little differently. We notice the nuances of undulation, the tipping point of turns and with each climb, we relish the descent. Some individuals can evoke emotions with a single photograph.
Instagram is great for many reasons, but one of which is sharing your environments with users all over the world. I travel quite frequently, but one man’s photographs always give me road envy. Known on the app as @RMDUB, Ryan Wilson is, by all means, a roadscape photographer.
Ryan works in Hollywood as a sound designer. He’s lived in Los Angeles for over 6 years and only recently ventured into the surrounding mountains, upon buying a road bike. For the past 3 years, he’s been exploring all the various veins of asphalt that trickle down the faces and flow into the valleys.
In August 2012, Ryan loaded his road bike into his car while on assignment and drove north to the Sierras, from that point on, he always travels with his bike and has been to some of the most majestic roadways on the west coast.
So what kind of camera does Ryan use to capture these breathtaking vignettes? The pocket-sized Sony RX100M2 with Carl Zeiss optics. Or his iPhone.
Late last summer, a group of cyclists got together in Northern California with Giro to try out their New Road cycling line. While there, I was told to not worry about shooting photos but I still did. Some of which made it to their ad campaign, others made it into my hoard drive where they sat for months.
With the New Road line out now, I can post these and what better time than a Friday afternoon. I’m back in Cali on Monday and I can’t wait, especially after looking through these photos again.
Tools of the trade:
Yashica T4
Fuji Neopan 400 / Fuji 400 ProH
Yesterday I was in bed, with food poisoning all day (funny how I didn’t get sick at all in China) and so I didn’t get to post any weekend stokedness. It’s not too late. Get out and seek this.
Yes, these roads are as beautiful as they look here. Except, I heard one of the teams died at the hands of a hungry pack of drop bears? Check out more at Rapha.
The newest issue of Steel Magazine will be available mid-March and I like what I see.
Things to look for in Steel 05: Death Spray Custom, English Two wheel specialist custom artist, french artist «Lucky Left Hand» Steven Burke, American filmmaker Lucas Brunelle, photographs of london rider Greg Falski, an exploration in the world of vintage cycling, analysis of the design and the commuter wear, the «the Way I Roll» videos by Peter Sutherland, or the mountain rides of the French RocknRollin team members, not to mention the fashion series by Jean-Pacôme Dedieu, Ronan Mérot, Pierre Dal Corso and Fred Margueron, as well as still life of François Jorez, Louis David Najar and Pierre Mahieu.
Photo by Andy White
While the Fixed Mag cover is a beautiful sealed road, this road epitomizes unsealed beauty. Andy posted this around the beginning of the New Year and I was holding off to post it so I didn’t jinx my trip back to Melbourne. I’ll be staring down this frontage road once again and I can’t wait. This truly is one of the most beautiful places on Earth and having ridden it already, maybe it’ll be easier? Who knows. Andy and Dan are already threatening to “break me again“…
Sorry for the lack of updates this weekend. Tracko’s been in town and all we’ve been doing is riding and partying. Hey, it was the weekend, right? He heads back to Cali tomorrow and regular posting will commence.
In the meanwhile, I hope you had a great weekend.
Over the past year, I’ve had the absolutely amazing experience of riding extensively in California but this last trip might have been my favorite. We rode on the 1, the 128 and in Geyserville. From the Redwoods, to the coast and dry, arid hills, the scenery kept me shooting my 35mm point and shoot, mid pedal stroke. Check it out below!