Macaframa put together a nice video recap from the 2013 Ride + Style in SF and it’s worth the watch!

Macaframa put together a nice video recap from the 2013 Ride + Style in SF and it’s worth the watch!
Matt Reyes and the Wheel Talk guys always provide the best in video coverage. Here’s their recap from the 2013 Red Bull Ride + Style:
“With the help of Zane Meyer and Omar Sebai I was able to chop together this highlight reel of the 2013 Red Bull Ride & Style. A lot of shit went down in San Francisco last weekend, and this is just a taste of it. I’ve been posting so much about this event that at this point I don’t even know what to say. I’m going to stop talking and let the video speak for itself. Enjoy.”
Interviews from Joe.
… and the official video from Red Bull. Don’t forget to check out all the Guest Galleries!
Guest Gallery: Matt Lingo at the 2013 Ride + Style – Crowd Shots
Guest Gallery: Matt Lingo at the 2013 Ride + Style – FGFS
Guest Gallery: Matt Lingo at the 2013 Ride + Style – Racers
As far as I’m concerned, Ride + Style is the leading showcase for the top street racers and fixed freestyle riders. The days of grassroots comps are for the most part gone, leaving Ride + Style one of the few standing trick comps. It brings people from as far away as Japan to compete but most importantly, to keep the scene strong and connected.
This year, from what I can tell, people were more stoked to just fucking hang out than they were to win any award and to me, that’s the most important thing to take away from any competition. However, since it is a competition, there has to be a winner and this year’s Ride + Style FGFS champ is Matt Reyes.
Many thanks to Matt Lingo for pulling these photos together in such a timely manner. Keep on top of Matt’s work at RecFail and check out more photos from the 2013 Ride + Style track racers in the gallery.
Red Bull’s Ride + Style creates a unique stage for track bike and fixed gear riders to compete on a course designed to host a freestyle competition, as well as a high-paced one-on-one circuit race. Competitors have to do hot laps around the course, in designated brackets and often times at break neck speeds (luckily no one broke anything this year). When all the brackets wound down, one man was left standing. This year, the winner of the 2013 Ride + Style Track was Jason Clary.
Many thanks to Matt Lingo for pulling these photos together in such a timely manner. Keep on top of Matt’s work at RecFail and check out more photos from the 2013 Ride + Style track racers in the gallery.
As you can clearly tell, I wasn’t able to make it to the 2013 Red Bull Ride + Style this year, so I asked photographer Matt Lingo if he’d be interested in covering it for me. We’ll start off with his Guest Gallery of lifestyle and crowd shots, to set the stage as a record number of people took to the Justin Herman Plaza to watch everything go down…
Many thanks to Matt Lingo for pulling these photos together in such a timely manner. Keep on top of Matt’s work at RecFail!
Saturday! Be there. Here’s the scoop:
Red Bull Ride + Style will return to San Francisco for the third time on Saturday, May 4, reuniting the world’s best fixed gear racers and freestylers in Justin Herman Plaza.
The event also brings together four of the world’s top street artists — Risk (Los Angeles), Tristan Eaton (NYC), Insa (London) and Sam Flores (San Francisco) — through collaborative art on both the race course and the freestyle ramps.
Follow @redbullSFO (#rideNstyle) on Twitter for more news and updates.