Camp and Go Slow‘s merch drops always hit the mark, and today, the Doyle, California-based merch company has some fresh merch ready to ship at 12 Noon PST. We got an early look at the goods before the drop so let’s check it out…

Camp and Go Slow‘s merch drops always hit the mark, and today, the Doyle, California-based merch company has some fresh merch ready to ship at 12 Noon PST. We got an early look at the goods before the drop so let’s check it out…
Rivendell are fans of the good ol’ fashioned pedal bike and have made a series of goods showcasing their love. The Bicycle Fan Club patches, stickers membership cards, and caps are all in stock now and shipping from Rivendell.
The USPS says the last day to ship something to the CUSA is December 14th, so get your orders in ASAP to give us time to pack and ship!
We’ve added some last-minute goods to The Radavist Webshop including new vinyl decals, a Deserted Patch, Linen Postcards, and a restock of our Cactivist and YO Woolie Boolies.
Roll on over and get some last minute gifts in the Webshop!
Is California Travis of Paul Component the ultimate bike nerd? Maybe? Regardless, he’s offering up his Ultimate Bike Nerd Vest as part of a fundraiser for San Fransisco’s Bicis del Pueblo. Check it out below!
Everyone loves a good logo flip and this is the best one I’ve seen to date! You can now pre-order shirts, stickers and patches at Campandgoslow!
If you’ve got an All-City bike and you live in the U.S., you can join the Tiny Hat Society for free! Simply register your bike and the folks at A.C. will send out your patch.
Get the details at All-City.
To drop bars, not bombs! Matt sent over a package with this patch, as well as two pins. You can see all his work at the Matt Blease General Store.
There’s only one dude I know who could pull off a patch design like this… Head to Ultra Romance’s web shop to swoop!
… and we love Walter for his work at Fall Creek Outfitters. Check out the full video below…
London’s Kinoko Cycles has been ramping up their online catalog since closing their brick and mortar store in Soho earlier this year. Part of their new products include new shop t’s and patches. Head over to Kinoko to see their full line of new arrivals.
Mash has new patches in stock and you already know which one I like the most!
This is so awesome:
“1894 found the United States in a deep depression. Unemployment was rampant, businesses were collapsing and crop value was dissolving back into earth.
Summer wage cuts at the Pullman rail car plant in Chicago, IL ignited the infamous Pullman Strike. Its battles and sympathizers echoed out across the plains, drawing in Eugene Debs, President Grover Cleveland, and the US Military, eventually reaching California and crippling rail service. No trains meant among other things, no mail.
In response, in July of 1894 a bicycle mail route was organized from Victor Cyclery in Fresno, CA north to the Overman Wheel Co. of San Francisco, CA. Totaling 210 miles, divided into 8 relays, and occupying 18 hours the route offered to carry a letter via bicycle from one end to the other for $0.25. “The only delay was an occasional punctured tire.”
We have created a commemorative patch, a replica of the original stamp present on each letter carried. We retained the misspelling of “San Fransisco” for authenticity.”
If you’re into random California history, pick up one of these replica patches.
Photo by Kyle Kelley
You know what would look great on one of those Strawfoot Musettes? A new No Garmin No Rules patch!
It ain’t easy hitting trails with a Viking Blazer. Remember: if you aren’t crashing, you’re not going fast enough. Drop one of these on your backpack, bar bag, saddle bag or jean jacket. Artwork by Kyler Martz!
Patches are 3″ wide, iron-on, crafted with care in the USA and will cost you $7 shipped to the USA and $8 shipped worldwide. Expect shipments to leave Austin in two weeks!
Sorry, sold out!
I’ve always admired Velo Cult’s branding and my San Diego Velo Cult patch is still one of my favorites. Since moving to Portland, the guys haven’t re-issued any of them, until now. Velo Cult has four new patches. Just follow them on Instagram @VeloCult and email to pick one up for $5 or all four up for $15.
Mash just stocked a few more Paralax products in their shop, just in time for the holidaze. See the Paralax Patch and wallet here.
New Zealand’s Chain Gang Kids have some new patches available. Scoop one up for $10 for NZ residents and $12 international.
Erik and Sofia have ended their North America tour but the Great Escape is far from over. In fact, right now, Erik is out in the Swiss Alps riding and already uploading some gorgeous photos. He’s got these new Great Escape patches keeping him safe as he blasts Darkthrone and takes photos.
Head over now to pick one up and while you’re there, stay for the photos.