Our Radar Roundup compiles products and videos from the ‘net in an easy-to-digest format. Read on below for today’s findings…

Our Radar Roundup compiles products and videos from the ‘net in an easy-to-digest format. Read on below for today’s findings…
Molly Cameron is fundraising to offset the expenses of doing national advocacy work while launching a national organization for LGBTQ+ representation in the bicycling industry and sport and we’d like to share Molly’s efforts here at the Radavist. This organization needs funding immediately to continue doing this advocacy work and to launch the organization.
This initial round of fundraising will be applied directly to offsetting expenses already incurred:
– travel to interface in person with local individuals and regional orgs, business leaders, and communities to build relationships
– housing at events, summits, meetings and conferences
– on the ground travel expenses
– outreach to the business, sporting and advocacy communities
– work hours in meetings, connecting and interfacing with national and global businesses and organizations
– writing copy, editing, producing policy, mission statement, pledge/declaration and developing action items
– interfacing with advisors and our advisory board on consulting, advice and steering the organization
– compensating members of the LGBTQ+ community that are assisting the organization
– cost of the website hosting and email services
– media production and planning
– setting up business structure at state and federal level
– cost associated with setting up Non-Profit 501c3 status
Molly has been toiling behind the scenes doing LGBTQ+ advocacy within the bicycling industry and sport for the last 20 years and recognized that it is time the community has confidential, dignified representation within a national lobbying organization that works FOR our community on all aspects of cycling…
Let’s help Molly’s efforts reach the $20,000 goal. If you can, please donate at GoFundMe.