I’d like to think we’re on top of all things “all road” over here, but clearly we miss things from time to time. The other day, I was talking to someone about Lauf’s designs and they mentioned the new True Grit carbon all road frameset. My interest was piqued because I find Lauf’s designs intriguing in that everything they’ve designed over the years has been truly innovative in a largely copycat world. See more at Lauf.
Bombtrack’s GROUNDWORK
Each year, Bombtrack sends an invite out to the friends and family of the brand to ride in picturesque scenery. See photos from this trip at Bombtrack.

Eroica Nova California
Eroica California‘s course is one of the most beautiful I’ve ridden and now you can experience the winding dirt roads on a modern bike, in a competitive yet fun event dubbed Eroica Nova. This race begins separately from the Eroica ride and is limited to 200 starting places. Head to Eroica Nova to register now.
Don’t miss this exclusive chance: NOVA Eroica is limited to 200 start place. Register now

The Radavist 2018 Calendar: March
This is the third layout of the Radavist 2018 Calendar, entitled “Pinnacles” shot with a Canon 1dx and a 100-400mm lens in Searles Valley, California.
“Formed during three separate ice ages, these tufa spires are all that remains from an ancient lake bed. The Trona Pinnacles are one of the most peculiar attractions in San Bernadino County, California and offer a plethora of dirt roads to ride, as well as hiking trails, allowing the visitor to spend hours upon hours exploring this unique and majestic location.”
For a high-res JPG, suitable for print and desktop wallpaper*, right click and save link as – The Radavist 2018 Calendar – March. Please, this photo is for personal use only!
(*set background to white and center for optimal coverage)
The mobile background this month is from Searles Valley. Click here to download March’s Mobile Wallpaper.

Loose Lobster At The Landing: A Pre-NAHBS Tour Of Nutmeg Country
Loose Lobster At The Landing: A Pre-NAHBS Tour Of Nutmeg Country
Photos By Renaldo, words by ‘Cobra Bones’ Sinkford
The show coming to the east coast for the first time meant all eyes are on Connecticut, and who could provide the ultimate pre-NAHBS experience with home court advantage than the mayor of Lobster Landing himself? I was told Nutmeg Country was a place of peace. A place of pizza, and pancake flat roads soft to the touch and pleasing to the eye. Two of those things are true.
Over the holidays the modern and progressive geometry of the #ultranutmegger was designed. Sklar would build a nutmeg themed dream bike for NAHBS, as custom as desired. That was a rabbit hole he should have never walked down. Seriously. One bike became two, because I was not going to be left out of the party. Truss forks and custom racks haunted young Adam’s dreams as the parts started to roll in, literally like Christmas.

We’re Going to Land Run this Year
Photos by Jarrod Bunk
Yep. We’re going to Land Run 100 this year to hang with the team at District Bicycles, document the ride, the bikes and the people of the event and of course, to just hang out. We’d like to encourage anyone who’s on the fence about coming out to do so. As for my personal bike, I’ll be posting about my setup in the next week or so, with thoughts about how to deal with mud, the weather and camera gear. Expect more shortly and if you haven’t ever heard of Land Run, check out Jarrod’s documentation on the related sidebar to the left.

Superstoke Sunday 2018
Superstoke Sunday 2018
Photos by Gideon Tsang, words by Josh Cates
Superstoke 2018 rolled out of the Hill Country State Natural Area at a cloudy and cool nine o’clock Saturday morning, one hour behind schedule. Past rides had departed closer to dawn, typically routed through more than one hundred miles of variable Central Texas roadway. This year’s route topped out at ninety, however- less mileage and group’s need for caffeine overcame any concerns about being caught out after dark.

On Vision and Focus
Themes are very prevalent in a photographer’s work, whether intentional or not. My personal approach could be summed up in a number of ways, although I try to go into each situation with perspective. Whether or not that perspective is something I’m either re-visiting or looking to hone depends on a number of parameters. The moments in which I’m most comfortable experimenting are the ones that are most familiar to me and where the experimentation occurs usually falls into any number of challenging parameters.

For Your Winter Wanderlust
I never go on a bike ride without a camera. Call it what you will, but documenting the rides in the greater Los Angeles area is something I love to do. Add to the list, taking out of towners on rides they’ve never done before. Our good friend Erica is in town for a bit, on a riding holiday/work trip from Nevada City, California and expressed an interest in riding up Mount Lowe in Altadena. Now, for those of you who haven’t done this ride, it’s the hardest road ride in the LA area, ATMO, but you can choose to bite off as much as you wish, establishing the general ride vibes early on, or as the hours go by.
Last weekend, we opted for the full experience and it left me a bit vanquished for a few days, so Erica and I took the party train up to Inspiration Point for some reflection on what it means to be a cyclist in a city with so much car culture. Spoiler alert: bikes will always win… and yes, I got sunburnt. In winter.
Check out a few more below and see our route from the Cub House at my Strava.

Sawyer’s Dirt Drop Miyata Sportrunner – Morgan Taylor
Sawyer’s Dirt Drop Miyata Sportrunner
Photos and words by Morgan Taylor
Bicycles need not be complicated. They need not be expensive. Yet it sure is nice when they have character. Sawyer’s Miyata is a simple reminder that a Craigslist find and a few easy mods can revive the joy of having a rad bike on a shoestring.

Dirty Mulholland at Sunset
A favorite ride is always amplified by winter light and cycling tourists. Tonight, Kyle and I took Kelly out on a Dirt Mulholland sunset ride, which turned into a Topanga Creek Outpost banana bread run, turned mad-dash through Melrose gridlock at rush hour. The thrills are never short on this ‘cross-town jaunt. If you’ve never done this route, be sure to check it out on Strava and click-through to check out more photos…
Roads Less Traveled: Rasputitsa
You learn something new every day. I did not know what Rasputista is until this video. “Rasputitsa is a season when travel on unpaved roads becomes difficult, owing to muddy conditions, either from autumnal rains or spring thaw. It also refers to the condition of the roads, during those seasons.” What an ideal name for a dirt road race like the Rasputista Spring Classic.

Tis the Season for Spooky Rides
This post is coming in late, because we didn’t finish our ride until late today. We saw some spooky shit on our ride. If you look closely, you can see Kyle in there and maybe the dude pushing his bike up, carrying the compound bow and arrows too. It was really wild, but we didn’t stick around to find out what he was up to.
Hopefully, everyone is having a good All Hallow’s Eve!

You Were Amazing, South Africa!
Thanks to everyone who made this trip so memorable. There’s much more to come next week! You boys have fun out there on your cycling tour!
No Spain No Gain
From the mountains to the desert to the sea, this group partakes on a tour of Basque Country and Navarre.

Enjoy the Weekend!
… we’ve got some incredible photos coming in next week, so stay tuned!

It Was Hot and Colorful in the Mountains Today
I’m not exactly sure why, but these days, I tend to shoot a lot of vertical photos while on rides, all the while, in the background of my mind, trying to pair up images as I shoot them. Today was no exception. Even with a relatively early start on our ride, the temperatures got up there, like dust leaving the trail behind one of our plus-sized tire hardtails. It was hot, loose, dusty, rocky and yet the colors were beautifully saturated with spring blooms and blue skies. Mountain biking in LA is my favorite way to start the day. Here’s our route.

A Weekend Riding Bikes on Endless Dirt Roads in Owens Valley
Out of all the places in California, Owens Valley and its surrounding areas are my favorite. You’ve got the High Sierra to the west and Death Valley to the east. Unfortunately, this late in the year, spending time in Death Valley limits you to the air conditioning confines of your car, or Telescope Peak and its extreme elevation and in the High Sierra, this year’s snowfall of epic proportions still has many of the roads and hiking trails closed. With limited options for altitude, Cari and I decided to explore the valley floor after my week in Chico. Once my work “obligations” were finished, I picked her up from the Sacramento airport on Thursday afternoon and made the traverse into Owens Valley.