
ESPN Profiles American Made BMX Frames at FBM


ESPN Profiles American Made BMX Frames at FBM

People ask why I give FBM so much love here on the site. My answer is simple: they continue to push American production. This video from ESPN shows how Crandall and the boys keep this steel ship afloat. Head over to ESPN to check it out.

Best quote: “FBM started out as a bunch of friends hanging out… traveling and trying to do cool shit”

George Marshall Interviews “Super” Ted James


George Marshall Interviews “Super” Ted James

Founder of the Albion, bad ass rider, photographer and generally all around good dude, George Marshall just interviewed “Super” Ted James over at Redbull’s UK site. Ted has started making BMX frames from Reynolds 853 and seems to be living the dream.

Head over to Redbull for the scoop!

Grow Backwards with Joe Simon


Grow Backwards with Joe Simon

“Grown ass men” having fun is right! Joe Simon’s a local here in Austin and I’ve shared many drinks with him. Talk about an inspirational individual!

Check out more about what it means to Grow Backwards with Joe Simon at Story and Heart.

FBM’s Beat Ass


FBM’s Beat Ass

This looks so damn good!

A travelogue documentary featuring the third “Lords of Fun” trip… a 3-day, full throttle celebration of bikes, fire, stunts, chihuahas, zip lines and FUN!
Dropping Friday 13th
13.13 EST”

Make Your Bones

Cody Nutter’s FFF Fest Photos


Cody Nutter’s FFF Fest Photos

Photos by Cody Nutter

Last weekend, here in Austin, the land of the perpetual music festival, crowds descended upon Zilker park for Fun Fun Fun Fest. I steered clear of the crowds, but some of my friends dove right in. One of which being Cody Nutter, who managed to get some rad photos at the vert ramp. Check a few more out here!

Steady Rollin with Eric Holladay


Steady Rollin with Eric Holladay

First of all: WTF with the preview shot. Second of all: there are some insane bails in this one. Third of all: it’s the weekend. Time to get rad. Thanks to FBM, this is all the motivation you need. This is a must watch…