Terry continues his “chasing” series in 4k with Kyle EmeryPeck in SF on his BMX.
Is UberRush Worth It?
Being an UberRush bike messenger seems like a great way to pick up some extra cash, doesn’t it? Find out if this rookie makes bank or pedals home broke.
New York City Cruising
A few notable gents go for a leisurely roll through New York City on Brooklyn Machine Works bikes!
Stuntin’ in 1988
Someone needs to recreate this ASAP!
Erik Elstran in Minneapolis
The Come Up made a video of one of my all-time favorite BMX riders getting creative on the streets of Minneapolis. Just watch it!
3D Printed Prosthetics Enable a Kid to Ride BMX Part 2
Peter Binkley and Jeremiah Smith further explore how 3D printed prosthetics can get a kid on a BMX bike in part two of this series.
3D Printed Prosthetics Enable a Kid to Ride BMX Part 1
The science of prosthetics has risen to an almost science fiction level of reality, with feats like this story hitting headlines on almost the regular now…
Burrito and the Lightning Bolt
Benedict’s video, featuring some of the women BMX shredders in Austin really makes me miss that town. Nina, you rule! Do not miss this video!
Red Bull has been on a roll with their recent videos and their latest, Kaleidoscope is trippy!
Bicycle Motocross
Oh man… this is too good! Watch as Corey Bohan, Mike ‘Hucker’ Clark and Leanna Curtis take it back to the 80’s in this bit of rad atavism.
Laird Frame
The world of production frame building isn’t limited to road, cross, or MTB frames. There are a handful of individuals who still believe in the domestically-produced, handmade BMX frame. Mike Laird is one of those people. Check out this profile on the BMX pro, welder, machinist, father, and metal head owner of Laird Frame.
Cycling, Cameras and Cats with Sandy Carson
Sandy Carson is a living legend in the world of BMX photography and over the years, his interest in other forms of cycling has evolved from his obsession with 20″ wheels. Check out this interview with Fairdale highlighting his life on the bike.
This blew my mind…
Burrito and the Lightning Bolt Teaser
Benedict from For the Love of Mud recently was in Austin for an extended period of time with work. While here, he shot video of a few local female BMX rippers and just released a short teaser for the project. I can’t wait to see the full cut!
FBM: Characters with Bikes – John Corts
FBM‘s latest Characters with Bikes features their welder and resident shredder John Corts. Can your framebuilder ride like that? Nice one guys!
Précisions with Josh Bedford
There aren’t many BMX videos featured here on the site, but then again, there aren’t a lot of BMX videos shot as beautifully as this one.
“Précisions is an ongoing short film series presented via Defgrip. This series features creativity, expression and most importantly précisions within BMX. Second to feature is Josh Bedford with an eye for spots and a less is more attitude. Josh’s riding speaks for itself, incorporating speed and power combined with his natural creative outlook. All of which is done with a classic captivating Yorkshire personality. Whilst filming Josh sustained a severe injury, cutting the release short. In his own words “if you roll the dice..”.
Please wish Josh a rapid recovery and enjoy what we got down beforehand.”
Very nice, Defgrip.
Rastos de Pó
Things aren’t always what they seem, are they?
Mat Hoffman and the Lars Ligament
Fairdale‘s Taj Mihelich worked on an incredible animation telling Mat Hoffman’s story from his slightly illegal ACL surgery in 1999. This is a must see video!