I get it. I understand the necessity to keep the peloton safe from those dangerous, butcher shop-grade, flying death discs in the event of a Nascar pileup on a descent but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. Late last week, Germany parts manufacturer and all around Black Forest component wizards, Tune, unveiled what I will say is the sleekest, most design savvy protective cover for disc brakes yet. Still, though, the fact that the UCI is fighting this issue so hard is mind-blowing. What about chainrings? Or barbed wire fencing lining race courses? Or stupid wheels exploding? Or press motos? If the world is afraid that disc brakes are going to end a race by fatality, perhaps there’s more to this debate. Anyway, I saw Tune’s attempt at solving this problem and felt it needed a share. Carry on with your morning…
