In Stock: the Radavist Wool Socks in Jasper Green and Red As Well As Other Items!


In Stock: the Radavist Wool Socks in Jasper Green and Red As Well As Other Items!




Wool socks are a cycling apparel staple. Wear them year round and they’ll wick sweat in the summer and provide warmth in the winter. We love DeFeet’s wool socks because they blend nylon and polyester in their wool for increased durability and lifespan. We’ve got two color options this year, inspired by one of our favorite minerals found in the American West, green Jasper and red Jasper.

Each sock has our jackal on the side and the Radavist script logo on the foot. Made in the USA by DeFeet and in stock now at the Radavist Web Shop. We also restocked the long sleeve t-shirts in all sizes. We also have new 1″ Jackal lapel pins in stock too!

Please note: we will try our hardest to get these socks to you before Christmas, but there is no way to guarantee delivery before December 25th. Thanks for understanding!