Back Home Before Heading Back Out


Back Home Before Heading Back Out

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Photo by Ryan Wilson

Austin is my home base, however a lot of my time the past few years has been on the road. As such, I’ll be nomadic for the next few weeks, toting my life with me in a duffle bag and a photo backpack, occasionally with a bike in tow. As things calm down, between and after these events, we’ll be sharing content about what the Radavist crew has been up to. Here’s some of what’s in store, and what you can expect to see in the coming months:

-Zipp Factory tour
-Rouge Roubaix
-Photo Show at Velo Cult
-Eroica California
-Sea Otter

Should your schedule overlap, come say hi. Hopefully, I’ll get to chat bikes with a few of you. While it’s a busy time of year for me and the entire crew at the Radavist, I really enjoy meeting readers and getting feedback from the community.